THING 1sh '82 John Carpenter, cool sci-fi horror art, the ultimate in alien terror!

THING 1sh '82 John Carpenter, cool sci-fi horror art, the ultimate in alien terror! View larger Sold

An Original Vintage Theater-Used Unfolded One-Sheet Movie Poster (1sh; measures 27" x 41" [69 x 104 cm])

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Approx. size in inches US - 27x41 - 1sh
Year 80's

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The Thing (also known as John Carpenter's The Thing) is a 1982 science fiction horror film directed by John Carpenter, written by Bill Lancaster, and starring Kurt Russell. The film's title refers to its primary antagonist: a parasitic extraterrestrial lifeform that assimilates other organisms and in turn imitates them. The Thing infiltrates an Antarctic research station, taking the appearance of the researchers that it kills, and paranoia occurs within the group.

Important Added Info : Note that this poster was never folded! An unfolded poster is almost always far more difficult to find than a folded poster of the same title, and finding unfolded posters in excellent condition is even more difficult!

Condition: Excellent ! (C8)