BLADE RUNNER special 17x20 '82 Ridley Scott sci-fi classic

BLADE RUNNER special 17x20 '82 Ridley Scott sci-fi classic View larger Sold

An Original Vintage Unfolded Special ADVANCE COLLEGE PREVIEW Movie Poster (measures 17" x 19 3/4" [43 x 50 cm])

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Year 80's

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Blade Runner is a 1982 American science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Harrison FordRutger Hauer, and Sean Young. The screenplay, written by Hampton Fancherand David Peoples, is loosely based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick. Blade Runner initially polarized critics: some were displeased with the pacing, while others enjoyed its thematic complexity. The film performed poorly in North American theaters but, despite the box office failure of the film, it has since become a cult classic and is now widely regarded as one of the best movies ever made. Blade Runner has been hailed for its production design, depicting a "retrofitted" future, and it remains a leading example of the neo-noir genre. Blade Runner brought the work of author Philip K. Dick to the attention of Hollywood and several later films were based on his work. Ridley Scott regards Blade Runner as "probably" his most complete and personal film.

Important Added Info: This very rare poster was issued by the studio and Schlitz when the film was released and meant for display at U.S. colleges. Note that this poster was never folded! An unfolded poster is almost always far more difficult to find than a folded poster of the same title, and finding unfolded posters in excellent condition is even more difficult!

Overall Condition: Very good (C6).